Niagara falls update!
Hey tropicateens and tropicatweens!
First of all obviously I've been a bit too lazy to write this post. Second of all, my plan DID NOT WORK, so you readers have no idea what happened on the trip. And it was a pretty normal trip, taking naps that you wouldn't normally take, consuming large amounts of food because your bored, and walking around taking pictures. I did most of that, and of course other stuff happens on trips, but I didn't document anything, and I can't remember every single detail, so I'll sort of write about it, and maybe share some pictures with you.
Before I began, please share my podcast and this blog with your friends and family if you enjoy it, it'd be amazing if you did!
Alright, into the post we go, so I got up at hmm... around 3 in the morning! And got out of the house at around 4. I was tired, but I was too excited to sleep. Niagara falls is pretty awesome and I've been there a few times before, so I knew what to expect but the idea of traveling just seemed so much fun. Although sometimes traveling can be hard, and not that fun sometimes. I mean I've traveled sometimes before the pandemic, and when I traveled before the pandemic, I've gone on planes. And sometimes I got sick, and my sleep schedule was thrown off, and all the rushing around, trying to get to the terminal, isn't that fun. But during the pandemic boy did I miss the little traveling that I did before it struck.
Anyway, it took a long time to get there 6 entire hours! And that's not the worst, I've been on vehicles of transportation longer, but wouldn't be much more convenient if you snap your fingers and walah you look around and there you are, your destination. But that's not how it works. To be honest the traveling and back home is both fun and it's sort of not fun. For obvious reasons.
And also traveling brings out stuff I'd never do, like sleep in the middle of the day. I'm the sort of person who just usually can't sleep during the day. And it's hard for me to go to sleep at night even, so I took some sort naps, pretty normal (for a trip).
When I got there, I ate lunch and explored Niagara falls, got a little bracelet thingy for the trolley and enjoyed myself. Sadly I didn't go on the maid of the mist, which I think is so much fun because I've gone before. So yeah, that's it.
Most of the trip just really was going there and back. Going back home felt like a shorter trip even though it was just as long (almost). So that basically was my trip to Niagara falls!
I'll share pics soon (hopefully)!
Truly Tropical Tia
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