So guys, this is the old version of my blog, I've now relocated it to Wix! Here is the link: I'll see you guys there!
So I just wanted to let you guys know that I'll be posting more polished posts, and some random posts on the blog as well, same for my podcast, and my YouTube channel, when I start creating videos of course. This is more of a random post which I'll be doing daily, so you can get access to mini posts while I make the larger content, like stories, large episodes of my podcast, filled with fun stuff. So you'll have a ton of content you can read and enjoy! I'm going to also make sure you can choose how you wanted to be alerted on my email list, I can send emails daily, or weekly depending on how busy you are. So yeah! I actually created a mini episode that I might publish today, and I created a mini episode of me and cat on a walk, just chatting, and having fun, I might publish that tomorrow, probably not today, because I recorded it on my phone and another phone, and I have to figure out how to upload it onto my computer so that I can edit it an...
Hey readers! So I sort of stumbled onto pictures of my visit to a park near NYC. It was pretty recent but I guess I forgot about it. I went on the trip maybe a month or 2 months ago. So I was going to originally turn it into a blog post but I guess I ended up not doing that. So I'm sharing these pics! Enjoy! Truly Tropical Tia (BTW do you guys want me to have a name for all you listeners, and readers? Comment down below on some names that you like and then I'll choose a name, or I'll pick a few I like and we'll all vote!)
Hey tropicateens and tropicatweens! First of all obviously I've been a bit too lazy to write this post. Second of all, my plan DID NOT WORK, so you readers have no idea what happened on the trip. And it was a pretty normal trip, taking naps that you wouldn't normally take, consuming large amounts of food because your bored, and walking around taking pictures. I did most of that, and of course other stuff happens on trips, but I didn't document anything, and I can't remember every single detail, so I'll sort of write about it, and maybe share some pictures with you. Before I began, please share my podcast and this blog with your friends and family if you enjoy it, it'd be amazing if you did! Alright, into the post we go, so I got up at hmm... around 3 in the morning! And got out of the house at around 4. I was tired, but I was too excited to sleep. Niagara falls is pretty awesome and I've been there a few time...
Hey listeners and readers, This is my first post on Tropical. I've never ever created a podcast before and I've never really listened to them (because I didn't really know about them) up until a few months ago. I've been writing since I was little but podcasting is a very different and a unique experience and I'm combining it with my love of writing. I have a lot of hobbies and this is one of them. But I'm very excited about this, because I get to talk to all of you (yes, you readers and listeners) whether I'm writing or talking. The blogosphere is very crowded but the podcasting world isn't as big, so when I did start a blog a few years ago, I was writing posts to nobody, well, sometimes I got a few reads from family members. But now that I've started this podcast, I'm getting more and more excited. And so I started a blog to go with it. And I hope that you enjoy reading my posts on this blog, because I quite frankly put a lot of effor...
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