Niagara Falls!

Hey tropicateens (you too tweenagers)! You guys like me calling you that? I thought I'd give it a go. But I'll get to the real topic of this blog post. So you've seen the title and you're probably like, "what's that all about?" or maybe not. But if you're wondering the latest is: I'm going to Niagara Falls tomorrow (the American side)! And I'm so excited, it's harder for me to podcast, or record this experience, and so I'm going to blog it! And it's going to be a little different than a usual post. Since it's hard to blog on the go, especially when I don't have my laptop with me, I'm going to be leaving comments updating on my trip, maybe I'll post some pics I took once I get back, and tell you all about the trip in a mini episode on my podcast. Now that I've told you that I'll go back to talking about my trip. Originally this trip was supposed to last two days, but instead we're going fo...